Saturday, November 1, 2008

Why Portion Control Avantrx?

The Question: Why would a company focused on nutrients and eye disease launch a portion control formula into the eye care market?

The Answer: An increased risk of developing type-2 diabetes and a host of other degenerative disease is directly linked to the amount of excess subcutaneous and visceral fat we carry on our bodies. Visceral fat surrounds vital organs and is metabolized by the liver, which turns it into blood cholesterol. It also increases Il-6 and C-reactive protein, the inflammatory markers associated with disease and metabolic syndrome that precedes development of type-2 diabetes and most all degenerative disease, including the four major eye diseases, cataract, macular degeneration, glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released data this past Thursday that suggests the rate of new type-2 diabetes cases nearly doubled in the United States in the past 10 years.

The study, led by Karen Kirtland, provides an up-to-date picture of where the disease is exploding. The information should be a big help as the government and health insurance companies decide where to focus prevention campaigns, Petersen said.

Diabetes was the nation's seventh-leading cause of death in 2006, according to the CDC. More than 23 million Americans have diabetes, and the number is rapidly growing. About 1.6 million new cases were diagnosed among adults last year.

In Type 2 diabetes, cells do not properly use insulin, a hormone needed to convert sugar into energy. The illness can lead to complications such as heart disease, blindness, kidney failure and poor circulation that leads to amputations.

The study involved a random-digit-dialed survey of more than 260,000 adults. Participants were asked if they had ever been told by a doctor that they have diabetes, and when the diagnosis was made.

The researchers had data for 40 states for the years 2005-07. West Virginia, South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, Texas and Tennessee had the highest rates. Puerto Rico was about as high as West Virginia. Minnesota, Hawaii and Wyoming had the lowest rates.

It is not entirely clear why some states were worse than others. Older people, blacks and Hispanics tend to have higher rates of Type 2 diabetes, and the South has large concentrations of all three groups. However, West Virginia is overwhelmingly white.

The report asked about diagnosed diabetes only. Because an estimated one in four diabetics have not been diagnosed, the findings probably underestimate the problem, said Angela Liese, a diabetes researcher at the University of South Carolina.

Lifestyle changes that include portion control of nutrient-dense diets and daily exercise can dramatically lower the risk of developing type-2 diabetes and the other degenerative diseases.


Anonymous said...


You and your partners continue to be one of the leaders in nutrition and eye care. You do know the companies that copy everything you do will be launching portion control and diet related products before year's end don't you?

Nevertheless, keep up the hard work.

Anonymous said...

Portion control as a means to natural weight loss makes sense, and results in fewer side effects and complications then any of the pharmaceutical weight-loss products. It's hard though to overcome the effect of the advertising dollar spent by the pharmaceutical industry to convince the public that they need drugs.

Of course, lifestyle changes are necessary too. Weight will come off more easily if one exercises and eats less junk food.

Portion control just makes it much easier.

Anonymous said...

This country is killing itself slowly with overly-processed junk food approved by the FDA. It's time for a consumer revolution.

Anonymous said...

The excess weight pandemic is directly related to the type and the gross amount of nutrient empty food consumed by the American public.

Anonymous said...

A new study on people who lost weight within 18 months after being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes suggests sustained benefits. even if they regained the weight later. They were up to twice as likely to reach their targets for blood pressure and blood sugar as those who didn't lose weight. Portion control is a must for the diabetic patient.

Anonymous said...

By taking one Avantrx before lunch & dinner I have cut my caloric intake by at LEAST 30%! I don't feel the need to keep eating.

With Avantrx, exercise, and healthy eating I have noticed a difference in my energy level and the number on the scale!!

Anonymous said...
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